She knowingly manipulates her friends' trust in order to commit theft of a pearl that an entire race relies on. Anti-Villain: Twilight comes dangerously close to falling into this during the movie.Anti-Magic: Her forcefields can cancel out other magic.Anime Hair: She has one for the majority of the episode "It's About Time" due to an accident with Spike's fire.Spike: (grabs a military helmet and some pillows as armor) Uh. Twilight: Just a test? Just a TEST?! Princess Celestia wants to give me some kind of exam and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's. Angst Nuke: Her tendencies to flare up reaches its limits in the first part of "The Crystal Empire".The concept is revised again in Season 4, where a shared diary replaces the letters since Twilight is no longer a student. As of "Lesson Zero", she has been given permission to pass this duty on to anyone around her that learns An Aesop. It becomes a Chekhov's Gun when, after her losing faith thanks to Discord in the Season 2 premiere, Celestia sends them all back to break her out of her Heroic BSoD and motivate her to reunite her friends. And Knowing Is Half the Battle: At the end of most episodes in the first season, she writes a letter to Princess Celestia describing the Aesop she learned this week.And I Must Scream: Twilight experiences this when she turns gray and crosses the Despair Event Horizon, but all she could do was to shed a Single Tear.Amusing Injuries: Happens to Twilight occasionally, the most notable examples being, "Winter Wrap Up", "Feeling Pinkie Keen", and "It's About Time.".All Your Colors Combined: When post-empowerment Twilight fires magical blasts at Tirek (see the picture at the top), the blast is deep pink (the color of Twilight's magic), but also streaked with golden yellow, dark blue, and sky blue, the colors of the magical auras of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance respectively.However, the other allies the Mane Six have made over their adventure end up playing an instrumental role in defeating the Storm King. It appears that Twilight single-handedly renders the quest to find the hippogriffs virtually pointless when, after losing faith in her friends to do anything right, she tries stealing the hippogriffs' magic pearl, turning the queen and the rest of the Mane Six against her. All for Nothing: Subverted in the movie.She justifies this in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" by explaining that true magic as can be done by all unicorns has been boiled down to a science. Agent Scully: Tends toward this despite being a lavender unicorn who can do magic.Receives one when Shining Armor rubs the top of Twilight's head after they finish a scavenger hunt.She also delivers one to Joe in "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" albeit while insulting him unintentionally.Turns out there was no interpony conflict to begin with. Twilight Sparkle delivers a pat on the head to Rainbow Dash when she tries to figure out the Pegasus's reason for being angry with Applejack.Though this is averted in "School Raze" where she announces to Rarity that she's "finally" learned that it's okay to count on your friends for help, being more than willing to have them join her in investigating the problem. This has led her to try and tackle her most important duties and responsibilities by herself - with little success. Twilight also often forgets that her Element of Harmony - Magic - represents not her magical abilities as a unicorn or alicorn, but The Power of Friendship itself, which is the most powerful magic in all Equestria.
Leave it to her old foalsitter Cadance to give her a long-awaited stress relief method in "Games Ponies Play". Just try to count all the times she's forgotten not to freak out over small things.Actor Allusion: When Spike asks Twilight what the squirrel trying to tell them that Fluttershy is coming is saying, she replies "Do I look like I speak squirrel?" Twilight's voice actor, Tara Strong, was previously the voice of Bubbles of The Powerpuff Girls, who can, in fact, speak squirrel.